Studio Ghibli Themed Notion Template
Jazz Barcelona
"Inspiration Unlocks the Future” – The Wind Rises (2013)
Recently, you’ve been watching Studio Ghibli movies and suddenly you wanted to apply their aesthetics as a part of your life. You can! in Notion. Here's a template for you to get started.
What you'll get:
- Ghibli Inspired Notion Template
- Dashboard Previews
- BASIC Finance page
- BASIC Calendar of Events page
- BASIC Travel Data page
- Daily Schedule
- Daily Checklist (Recurring tasks)
- Read Me Note (Must Read)
(Dashboard Sections)
Empty/Extra Pages
- Content Creation, Study Space, Meal Plan
(Travel Data - Dashboard Preview)
(Main Dashboard)
Disclaimer: The page, template, and the people involved in this product are not associated by any means with studio ghibli.
30-day money back guarantee
You'll get a Studio Ghibli themed Notion template.
158 KB
1 page
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